Friday, August 21, 2009

More tomato views

What's Up With My Tomatoes Anyway?

So I don't know what's going on with my tomatoes

this year. It's flippin' late August and the beautiful fruit that I usually enjoy for my birthday in July is still green! Well, mostly green. I do have a few pink and thinking about being pink fruit, but mostly green. I'm not a big fan of fried green tomatoes, so something better happen.

Someone today suggested that I make green tomatoe salsa or jam. Hmmm. Now those are definite possibilities.

The leaves on the plants are starting to yellow. Most of the fruit is green. I'm not sure if the plants will survive long enough to even pink up the other fruit. I wonder if this is tomato blight. We've had a TON of wet, cool weather here in Michigan this summer. Actually, we haven't even really had a summer, so I wouldn't be surprised if a fungus of some variety is claiming my plants.

In reality, my entire garden is falling victim to this unseasonably cold summer we're having. My peppers are severly under-performing, my brocolli would only flower and not produce any brocolli, and on and on it goes. Basically, I'm really bummed about the lack of bounty.

My wonderful hubby built me 3 sqaure foot frames for my gardening pleasure. He also hand mixed the soil that was placed in those frames. Add in the countless hours of planning, purchasing, planting and grooming and well.....I guess you have a hobby?